Articles and Tips

Occasional lease and the safety of the property owner
Occasional lease and the safety of the property owner

Occasional lease and the safety of the property owner

Occasional lease is primarily used to protect the interests of property owners. What is worth knowing about it and when should you decide on such a solution?

Occasional lease is a solution beneficial mainly for the owner of the rented premises, as it provides him with greater security - better protecting his rights and facilitating the termination of the contract with a troublesome tenant, including his eviction.

When it comes to using an apartment, there are no differences between an occasional and an ordinary rental. They appear only in the event of the tenant's refusal to leave the apartment on time.

The occasional lease agreement has the same legal force as the standard lease agreement, but gives much more opportunities to the property owner - it allows for quick bailiff enforcement and saying goodbye to the dishonest tenant, bypassing burdensome lawsuits and arranging temporary premises by the office municipalities.

In the contract of occasional tenancy it is necessary for the tenant to indicate the apartment that he will be able to occupy if there is a need for enforcement. This solution turns out to be the most profitable in the case of long-term lease and property attractive to tenants.